wv-field-* base properties


All field tag helpers inherit this base field's properties. Some of them can be overrided or not used by the specific field though. Check the relevant tag helper document page for more information.


name description

object type: FieldAccess

default value: FieldAccess.Full

is required: FALSE

Sets whether the user can interact or view that value of the field. Options are: Undefined, Full, FullAndCreate, ReadOnly, Forbidden


object type: string

default value: access denied

is required: FALSE

Overrides the default access denied message, presented to the user when he/she doesn't have access to the field value


object type: string

default value: string.Empty

is required: FALSE

Overrides the default API URL call, when InlineEdit a field


object type: bool

default value: NULL

is required: FALSE

Ability to set the autocomplete attribute of the field's input, used by the browsers to prefill form data.


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

A CSS class to be added to the general classes of the field.


object type: Guid?

default value: NULL

is required: FALSE

Field Id is used when initializing scripts


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Presents a description text after the field's input


object type: dynamic

default value: NULL

is required: FALSE

Depends on the field type.


object type: string

default value: no data

is required: FALSE

Overrides the default message, when the field value is null


object type: string

default value: string.Empty

is required: FALSE

Used in InlineEdit mode in order to set the entity of the altered record Id


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html ID you may need to set to the rendered field


object type: List<string>

default value: new List<string>()

is required: FALSE

If any init errors are set, the field will render the label and an error message. Usually used for showing non validation system errors


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Will render an error icon next to the label text, with the provided text as a tooltip


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Will render a help icon next to the label text, with the provided text as a tooltip


object type: LabelRenderMode

default value: LabelRenderMode.Undefined

is required: FALSE

Sets the rendering mode of the label. Options: Undefined, Stacked, Horizontal, Hidden


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

The text rendered as a field label


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Will render a warning icon next to the label text, with the provided text as a tooltip


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

If set, this will initialize the new CultureInfo(Locale) object which will be used in the fields value presentation and localization


object type: FieldRenderMode

default value: FieldRenderMode.Undefined

is required: FALSE

Defines how the field will be rendered. Options are: Undefined, Form, Display, InlineEdit, Simple


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Will set the name attribute of the html element


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Sets the placeholder attribute of the field's input


object type: Guid?

default value: NULL

is required: FALSE

Used in InlineEdit mode and send to the API handler which looks for the field name as record property and alters it


object type: bool

default value: FALSE

is required: FALSE

Present a red asterix sign before the field's label


object type: List<ValidationError>

default value: new List<ValidationError>()

is required: FALSE

If any validation errors are set, the field will render them at its bottom. Used for form validation messages towards the end user.


object type: dynamic

default value: NULL

is required: FALSE

Depends on the field type.


<wv-field-autonumber id="my-drawer" title="This is a drawer">...</wv-field-autonumber>