Getting started
Setting up environment
We use Windows 10 and Windows 2012 Server as development operating systems. Update your windows before continue installing required software. Other operating systems - when we get more experience we will extend this document.
The WebVella ERP project is a set of .NET Core application and libraries. If you want to run, develop and extend it, first you need .NET Core framework installed. At the moment of creating this document we use .NET Core version 2.1. Go to download latest SDK and Runtime and install both.
You will also need the Microsoft Visual Studio to build and run the project. We use Visual Studio Community 2017 version and it can be downloaded from . Note its free for open-source contributors like ourself. Once its installed, check notifications panel for updates and install them.
WebVella ERP use PotgreSQL database. You can go download the latest version from . If you don't have any management tool for PostgreSQL install also pgAdmin. You can download it from .
Start with seed project
Download or Clone the repository sources ($ git clone ) . This project contains ready to start web site project with all ERP libraries and resources installed from nuget packages.
Create an empty PostgreSQL database for the erp. When erp starts for first time, it will create necessary structure and data.
Edit the Config.json file and set the correct sql connection string.
Run the project.
Get, build and run the sources
Download or Clone the repository sources ($ git clone .
Create an empty PostgreSQL database for the erp. When erp starts for first time, it will create necessary structure and data.
Open the solution file WebVella.ERP3.sln with Visual Studio and build the solution. Set as startup (if is not already set). Edit the Config.json file in project WebVella.Erp.Site and set the correct sql connection string. You may also want to change other configuration values (like timezone), but is not required.
Run the application. The project is configured to open browser open on login screen when started. All erp functionality requires authentication. Use the default account email "" and password "erp" to authenticate.
If you want to develop your own components or applications, be sure that the WebVella.Erp.Plugins.SDK is included in your solution. This application will help you greatly to create and manage ERP objects like Entities and Relations, although its not required because ERP API can used directly to create and manage these objects.