Code data sources

Code datasource are automatically referenced on application start. They are part of a plugins code, with some special requirements.

Create a Code Datasource

Requirement 1: Inherit the CodeDataSource class
Requirement 2: Set the datasource meta properties
name description

object type: string

Describes the purpose of the datasource


object type: List<DataSourceModelFieldMeta>

Describes the properties of the result model, so the user can select them with autocomplete and also the system can match their type


object type: Guid

The unique id of the datasource


object type: string

Human readable name of the datasource. It will be used when referencing the datasource or its data


object type: List<DataSourceParameter>

Define what parameters the datasource expects


object type: string

What is the result model that the user should expect from this datasource

Sample code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using WebVella.Erp.Api.Models;
using WebVella.Erp.Web.Models;

namespace WebVella.Erp.Plugins.SDK.DataSource
	public class SampleCodeDataSource : CodeDataSource
		public SampleCodeDataSource() : base()
			Id = new Guid("f5546db0-bffe-46de-b616-54f66c633535");
			Name = "SampleCodeDS";
			Description = "This is a sample code data source.";
			ResultModel = "List<EntityRecord>";

			//define custom meta
			DataSourceModelFieldMeta dsMeta = new DataSourceModelFieldMeta();
			dsMeta.EntityName = string.Empty;
			dsMeta.Name = "id";
			dsMeta.Type = FieldType.GuidField;
			dsMeta = new DataSourceModelFieldMeta();
			dsMeta.EntityName = string.Empty;
			dsMeta.Name = "name";
			dsMeta.Type = FieldType.TextField;

			Parameters.Add(new DataSourceParameter { Name = "testText", Type = "text", Value = "test value" });
			Parameters.Add(new DataSourceParameter { Name = "testGuid", Type = "guid", Value = Guid.Empty.ToString() });
			Parameters.Add(new DataSourceParameter { Name = "testInt", Type = "int", Value = 0.ToString() });
			Parameters.Add(new DataSourceParameter { Name = "testDecimal", Type = "decimal", Value = (0.0f).ToString() });
			Parameters.Add(new DataSourceParameter { Name = "testDate", Type = "date", Value = "now" });

		public override object Execute(Dictionary<string, object> arguments)
			if (arguments.ContainsKey("PageModel"))
				//just for test if pageModel is working with no problem
				//try to read from existing database source - if not found generate random one
				PageDataModel dataModel = arguments["PageModel"] as PageDataModel;
				if (dataModel != null)
						//GetProperty method throws PropertyDoesNotExistException exception if property is not found
						//so use try catch 
						var listData = dataModel.GetProperty("List");
						if (listData != null)
							return listData;

			List<EntityRecord> result = new List<EntityRecord>();
			for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				EntityRecord rec = new EntityRecord();
				rec["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
				rec["name"] = $"name{i}";
			return result;