

<wv-form/>. Presents a form with an ability to autogenerate a proper antiforgery token.


name description

object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html accept-charset attribute you may need to set to the rendered element


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html action attribute you may need to set to the rendered element


object type: bool

default value: true

is required: FALSE

If true adds a antiforgery hidden input with its proper value so this form can be submitted towards a Razor Page


object type: bool

default value: TRUE

is required: FALSE

Html autocomplete attribute you may need to set to the rendered element.


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html enctype attribute you may need to set to the rendered element. Specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server (only for method="post"). Options are: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, text/plain


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html ID you may need to set to the rendered element


object type: LabelRenderMode

default value: LabelRenderMode.Undefined

is required: FALSE

How the labels of any wrapped fields should be presented. Useful in order to set this option only on when place. Inherited by the wrapped fields.


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html method attribute you may need to set to the rendered element. Options are: get or post


object type: FieldRenderMode

default value: FieldRenderMode.Undefined

is required: FALSE

How any wrapped fields should be presented. Useful in order to set this option only on when place. Inherited by the wrapped fields.


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html name attribute you may need to set to the rendered element


object type: bool

default value: TRUE

is required: FALSE

Html novalidate attribute you may need to set to the rendered element.


object type: string

default value: String.Empty

is required: FALSE

Html target attribute you may need to set to the rendered element. Specifies where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. Options are: _blank, _self, _parent, _top


object type: ValidationException

default value: NULL

is required: FALSE

Helps to present any validation messages within the form to the end user


<wv-form name="ManageRecord" validation="Model.Validation" label-mode="Stacked" mode="Form" autocomplete="false">
		<wv-column span="6">
			<wv-field-checkbox label-text="Enabled" value="@Model.Enabled" name="Enabled" text-true="enable this schedule plan"></wv-field-checkbox>
		<wv-column span="6">
			<wv-field-guid label-text="Id" value="@Model.Id" access="ReadOnly" name="Id"></wv-field-guid>